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 The recipient must provide the Agreement Officer’s Representative one copy of any Intellectual Work that is published, and a list of any Intellectual Work that is not published. 2) In addition, the recipient must submit Intellectual Work, whether published or not, to the DEC, either on-line (preferred) or by mail. The recipient must review the DEC Web site for submission instructions, including document formatting and the types of documents to submit. Submission instructions can be found at: 3) For purposes of submissions to the DEC, Intellectual Work includes all works that document the implementation, evaluation, and results of international development assistance activities developed or acquired under this award, which may include program and communications materials, evaluations and assessments, information products, research and technical reports, progress and performance reports required under this award (excluding administrative financial information), and other reports, articles and papers prepared by the recipient under the award, whether published or not. The term does not include the recipient’s information that is incidental to award administration, such as financial, administrative, 

cost or pricing, or management information. 4) Each document submitted should contain essential bibliographic information, such as 1) descriptive title; 2) author(s) name; 3) award number; 4) sponsoring USAID office; 5) development objective; and 6) date of publication. 5) The recipient must not submit to the DEC any financially sensitive information or personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers, home addresses and dates of birth. Such information must be removed prior to submission. The recipient must not submit classified documents to the DEC. b. Rights in Data 1) Data means recorded information, regardless of the form or the media on 7 Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised. which it may be recorded, including technical data and computer software, and includes Intellectual Work, defined in a. above. 2) Unless otherwise provided in this provision, the recipient may retain the rights, title and interest to Data that is first acquired or produced under this award. USAID reserves a royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so.

 c. Copyright. The recipient may copyright any books, publications or other copyrightable materials first acquired or produced under this award. USAID reserves a royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so. d. The recipient will provide the U.S. Government, on request or as otherwise provided in this award, a copy of any Data or copyrighted material to which the U.S. Government has rights under paragraphs b. and c. of this provision. 

The U.S. Government makes no representations or warranties as to title, right to use or license, or other legal rights or obligations regarding any Data or copyrighted materials. [END OF PROVISION] M2. MARKING AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS UNDER USAID-FUNDED ASSISTANCE (July 2015) a. The USAID Identity is the official marking for USAID, comprised of the USAID logo and brandmark with the tagline “from the American people,” unless amended by USAID to include additional or substitute use of a logo or seal and tagline representing a presidential initiative or other high level interagency initiative. 

The USAID Identity is on the USAID Web site at Recipients must use the USAID Identity, of a size and prominence equivalent to or greater than any other identity or logo displayed, to mark the following: (1) Programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities partially or fully funded by USAID; (2) Program, project, or activity sites funded by USAID, including visible infrastructure projects or other physical sites; (3) Technical assistance, studies, reports, papers, publications, audio- 8 Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised. visual productions, public service announcements, Web sites/Internet activities, promotional, informational, media, or communications products funded by USAID; (4) Commodities, equipment, supplies, and other materials funded by USAID,

 including commodities or equipment provided under humanitarian assistance or disaster relief programs; and (5) Events financed by USAID, such as training courses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, workshops, press conferences and other public activities. If the USAID Identity cannot be displayed, the recipient is encouraged to otherwise acknowledge USAID and the support of the American people. b. The recipient must implement the requirements of this provision following the approved Marking Plan in the award. c. The AO may require a preproduction review of program materials and “public communications” (documents and messages intended for external distribution, including but not limited to correspondence; publications; studies; reports; audio visual productions; applications; forms; press; and promotional materials) used in connection with USAID-funded programs, projects or activities, for compliance with an approved Marking Plan. d. The recipient is encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this award and announce progress and accomplishments. The recipient must provide copies of notices or announcements to Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) and to USAID's Office of Legislative and Public Affairs in advance of release, as practicable. Press releases or other public notices must include a statement substantially as follows: "The U.S. Agency for International Development administers the U.S. foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide." e. Any “public communication,” in which the content has not been approved by USAID, must contain the following disclaimer: “This study/report/audio/visual/other information/media product (specify) is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 

The contents are the responsibility of [insert recipient name] and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.” f. The recipient must provide the USAID AOR, with two copies of all program 9 Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised. and communications materials produced under this award. g. The recipient may request an exception from USAID marking requirements when USAID marking requirements would: (1) Compromise the intrinsic independence or neutrality of a program or materials where independence or neutrality is an inherent aspect of the program and materials; 

(2) Diminish the credibility of audits, reports, analyses, studies, or policy recommendations whose data or findings must be seen as independent; (3) Undercut host-country government “ownership” of constitutions, laws, regulations, policies, studies, assessments, reports, publications, surveys or audits, public service announcements, or other communications; (4) Impair the functionality of an item; (5) Incur substantial costs or be impractical; (6) Offend local cultural or social norms, or be considered inappropriate; or (7) Conflict with international law. h. The recipient may submit a waiver request of the marking requirements of this provision or the Marking Plan, through the AOR, when USAIDrequired marking would pose compelling political, safety, or security concerns, or have an adverse impact in the cooperating country. (1) Approved waivers “flow down” to subagreements, including subawards and contracts, unless specified otherwise. The waiver may also include the removal of USAID markings already affixed, if circumstances warrant. (2)

 USAID determinations regarding waiver requests are subject to appeal by the recipient, by submitting a written request to reconsider the determination to the cognizant Assistant Administrator. i. The recipient must include the following marking provision in any subawards entered into under this award: “As a condition of receipt of this subaward, marking with the USAID 10 Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised. Identity of a size and prominence equivalent to or greater than the recipient’s, subrecipient’s, other donor’s, or third party’s is required. In the event the recipient chooses not to require marking with its own identity or logo by the subrecipient, USAID may, at its discretion, require marking by the subrecipient with the USAID Identity.

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