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Arkansas Division of Higher Education Scholarships

 Arkansas Division of Higher Education Rules Governing Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Program Policy Statement A scholarship program to promot...

 Arkansas Division of Higher Education Rules Governing Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Program Policy Statement A scholarship program to promote academic excellence and to encourage the state's most talented graduates to enroll in Arkansas postsecondary educational institutions is created and established which shall be cited as the Arkansas Governor's Scholars Program. These rules shall be known as the Arkansas Department Division of Higher Education Rules Governing the Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Program. 

This policy addresses the student eligibility criteria, method for recipient selection, and continuing eligibility requirements procedures for making payments to an approved institution of higher education and other administrative procedures necessary for operation of the program. Applicable Arkansas Code Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-82-301 et. Seq. Definitions (1) "Academic ability" means the intellectual standing of a student. In determining superior academic ability, the Department Division of Higher Education shall examine the student's high school records, competitive examination scores, and demonstrated leadership capabilities; (2) “Academic Year” means fall, spring, first and second summer semesters in that order, or as defined by the Department Division of Higher Education;

 (3) "Approved institution" means a public or private college or university: (A) Which is dedicated to educational purposes, located in Arkansas, or located out of state and educating Arkansas residents in dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, podiatry, chiropractic, or osteopathy under agreement with the Board of Control for Southern Regional Education, accredited by an accrediting agency certified and recognized by the United States Department of Education or the Division of Agency Evaluation and Institutional Accreditation, or a school giving satisfactory assurance that it has the potential for accreditation and is making progress which, if continued, will result in its achieving accreditation; 2 (B) Which does not discriminate in the admission of students on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;

 and (C) Which subscribes to the principle of academic freedom; (4) “Arkansas resident” means a natural person who provides evidence deemed sufficient by the Department Division of Higher Education. Such evidence includes but is not limited to a valid Arkansas voter’s registration card; valid Arkansas motor vehicle driver’s license; Arkansas residence address used for federal or state tax purposes; or claims Arkansas as a residence to hold public office or for judicial actions; (5) "Competitive examination" means a standardized examination measuring achievement which is administered annually on a specified date and at a specified location and which is announced publicly; (6) "Department" “Division” means the Department Division of Higher Education; (7) "Eligible student" means a resident of the State of Arkansas as defined by the Department Division of Higher Education who: (A) Is eligible for admission as a full-time student; (B) Declares an intent to matriculate in an approved institution in Arkansas; 

and (C) Graduates from: (i) A high school in this state, for Arkansas Governor's Scholars; or (ii) A high school, for Arkansas Governor's Distinguished Scholars; (8) (A) "Extraordinary academic ability" means: (i) Achievement of a score superscore of 32 or above on the American College Test (ACT) or a score of 1410 or above on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); and (ii) (a) Achievement of a high school grade point average of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale; or (b) Selection as a finalist in either the National Merit Scholarship competition, the National Hispanic Recognition Program, or the National Achievement Scholarship competition conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. (B)The American College Test scores and Scholastic Aptitude Test scores superscores shall be earned by December 31 prior to the application deadline in order for the scores to be considered by the department division for a scholarship award;

 3 (9) "Full-time student" means a resident of Arkansas who is in attendance at an approved private or public institution and who is enrolled in at least twelve (12) credit hours the first semester and fifteen (15) hours thereafter, or other reasonable academic equivalent as defined by the department division; (10) “Part-time student” means a resident of Arkansas who is in attendance at an approved private or public institution and who is enrolled in less than fifteen (15) credit hours for their fourth academic year; (11) “Scholarship" means an award to an eligible student for matriculation in an approved institution in the State of Arkansas;

 (12) "Undergraduate student" means an individual who is enrolled in a postsecondary educational program, which leads to or is directly creditable toward the individual's first baccalaureate degree; (13) “U.S. Citizen” means the student must be either a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien. If the student is not a United States citizen, but a permanent resident alien, the student must attach a copy of the permanent resident alien form I 151, I 551, I 94, or G 641 to the application.

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