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Spanish important vocabulary

 I. Vocabulario nuevo / New Vocabulary yo – I él – he tú – you [singular, informal] ella – she usted – you [singular, formal] nosotros – we ...

 I. Vocabulario nuevo / New Vocabulary yo – I él – he tú – you [singular, informal] ella – she usted – you [singular, formal] nosotros – we [masculine] ustedes – you [plural, formal] nosotras – we [feminine] ellos – they [masculine] vosotros – you [masculine plural, informal] ellas – they [feminine] vosotras – you [feminine plural, informal] ser – to be ¡Hablen! – Speak! [plural command] ¡No esperen! – Don’t wait! [plural command] alto – tall accidental – accidental simpático – nice usual – usual antipático – unfriendly normal – normal guapo – good-looking optimista – optimistic bonito – pretty pesimista – pessimistic feo – ugly activo – active joven – young responsable – responsible viejo – old largo – long embarazada – pregnant corto – short in length elegante – elegant grande – big excelente – excellent pequeño – small fantástico – 

fantastic avergonzado – embarrassed el accidente – accident el taxi – taxi la cuestión – question, issue el teléfono – telephone la pregunta – question el colegio – high school Lesson 3 16 Learning Spanish: How to Understand and Speak a New Language la persona – person el amigo – male friend el vecino – male neighbor la amiga – female friend la vecina – female neighbor el novio – boyfriend el hombre – man la novia – girlfriend la mujer – woman y – and sí – yes o – or no – no, not pero – but ahora – now II. Repaso general / General Review A. Improving Your Ability to Speak It’s important as a beginning language learner that you take every opportunity to speak Spanish. Don’t wait until you’ve learned more vocabulary and grammar. ¡Hablen español ahora! [“Speak Spanish now!”] The best way to improve your spoken Spanish is to speak more. B. Subject Pronouns The singular subject pronouns in Spanish are yo – I; tú – you [singular, informal]; usted – you [singular, formal]; él – he; and ella – she. The plural subject pronouns are nosotros – we [masculine]; nosotras – we [feminine]; vosotros – you [masculine plural, informal]; vosotras – you [feminine plural, informal]; ustedes – you [plural, formal]; ellos – they [masculine]; and ellas – they [feminine]. The informal, singular way to say “you” is tú; the formal, singular way to say “you” is usted. If you’re speaking to a family member, a friend, or someone else you’re well acquainted with, you’ll probably use tú. You’ll use usted when talking with someone you have a formal relationship with or with someone you don’t know well. If you’re not sure which pronoun to use, it’s better to use usted, because using the informal tú can be seen as rude by someone you don’t know well. The vosotros and vosotras forms, which are plural, informal ways to say “you,” are used only in Spain. In Latin America, the plural of tú is ustedes and the plural of usted is ustedes; vosotros and vosotras are never used in Latin America. The pronouns nosotros, vosotros, and ellos are used when referring to a group of all men or a mixed group of men and women. Even a group of many women and just one man would be referred to with these masculine pronouns. The pronouns nosotras, vosotras, 

and ellas are used only when every member of the group is female. C. The Verb ser The infinitive form, which is the verb form found in the dictionary, of all Spanish verbs ends in -ar, -er, or -ir. Ser, the infinitive form meaning “to be,” has the following six forms in the present tense: soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son. Conjugating a verb means giving its proper verb forms for different subjects in a given tense. Ser is conjugated with the subject pronouns in the present tense as follows. Ser with singular subject pronouns: yo soy; tú eres; usted, él, or ella es Ser with plural subject pronouns: nosotros or nosotras somos; vosotros or vosotras sois; ustedes, ellos, or ellas son Any singular subject that is not yo or tú uses the verb form es (e.g., La clase es importante). Any plural subject that is not nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, or vosotras uses the verb form son (e.g., Los amigos son optimistas). 17 Lesson 3—Subject Pronouns and the Verb Ser Ser is used 1) to identify a person or thing (Ella es Claudia); 2) to talk about one’s profession (Son doctores), origin, or nationality (Roberto es de Chile); or 3) to describe inherent characteristics of someone or something (Carla es inteligente; El hotel es elegante.). D. Cognates Spanish and English share many cognates, which are words that are the same or similar in two languages. Sometimes Spanish cognates are spelled the same as the word in English: normal, hotel, usual. Other Spanish cognates are spelled similar to, but not the same as, the word in English: activo, responsable, excelente. Your comprehension of Spanish will improve if you listen for cognates when conversing and look for them when reading. Occasionally, a Spanish word will look like an English word but mean something else. These words are called false cognates. Examples include largo (which looks like “large” but means “long”) 

and colegio (which looks like “college” but means “high school”). False cognates, however, are relatively rare compared to the vast number of cognates shared by English and Spanish. E. Adjectives Adjectives in Spanish must agree in number and gender with the noun being modified. So, if the subject is masculine singular, the adjective must also be masculine singular, and if the subject is feminine plural, the adjective must also be feminine plural. Adjectives ending in -o have four forms. For example, viejo, meaning “old,” has the following four forms: viejo (masculine singular); vieja (feminine singular); viejos (masculine plural); viejas (feminine plural). Adjectives ending in -e have two forms, as can be seen in responsable (masculine and feminine singular) and responsables (masculine and feminine plural). Adjectives ending in -ista have two forms, as can be seen in pesimista (masculine and feminine singular) and pesimistas (masculine and feminine plural). III. Actividades / Activities a. Decide si debes dirigirte a las siguientes personas de una manera formal o informal. / Decide if you should address the following people in a formal or informal way. 1. You are about to call your friend to ask him to watch the game with you. ________________________________ 2. Your uncle wants to borrow your car.____________________________________________________________ 3. Your boss just sent you an email. ______________________________________________________________ 4. Your neighbor is inviting you to a gathering on Saturday. ____________________________________________ 5. The CEO of the company is entering the room.____________________________________________________ 6. You just met someone._______________________________________________________________________ 7. The President of the United States is coming to your town. __________________________________________ 8. You and your sister are going to celebrate her birthday. _____________________________________________ 9. Someone called and it was a wrong number. _____________________________________________________ 10. You meet a random person at the supermarket. __________________________________________________ 18 Learning Spanish: How to Understand and Speak a New Language b. Alejandra está hablando sobre su familia con su vecina Cecilia. / Alejandra is talking about her family with her neighbor Cecilia. Agrega la conjugación correcta del verbo ser. / Add the correct conjugation of the verb ser. 1. Carlos __________ mi esposo [my husband]. 2. Pablo ___________ mi hijo [son]. 3. Marisol _________ mi hija [daughter]. 4. Pablo y Marisol _________ mis hijos [children]. 5. Yo __________ la esposa [wife] de Carlos. 6. Yo __________ la madre [mother] de Pablo y Marisol. 7. Nosotros __________ la familia González Fallas. 8. Carlos ________ el padre [father] de Pablo y Marisol. 9. ¿De dónde ________ usted y Luis? c. La familia González Fallas continúa conociendo a los miembros de su nuevo vecindario en Villa Celeste. / The González Fallas family continues to meet the members of their new neighborhood in Villa Celeste. Completa el diálogo entre Alejandra, Luisa, Pablo y Marisol usando el verbo ser y palabras para saludarse y presentarse. / Complete the dialogue between Alejandra, Luisa, Pablo, and Marisol using the verb ser and words to greet others and introduce oneself. Alejandra: ¡Hola! Me 1) _________________ Alejandra. Luisa: Mucho 2) ________________. 3)________________Luisa. Alejandra: Le 4) ________________ a Pablo. Él 5)________________ mi hijo. Luisa: ¡Encantada! Mi nombre 6)_________________ Luisa. Pablo: 7)_______________. Ella 8)_______________ mi hermana Marisol. Marisol: ¿Qué tal? Luisa: 9) ¡______________ bien, gracias! Luisa: Le 10) __________________ mi hija Elena. Ella 11) _____________ estudiante de la universidad. Marisol: 12) ¡_______________ gusto! Elena: Igualmente. Erica y Felipe 13) _______________ mis hermanos. d. Elena está hablando con Marisol. / Elena is talking with Marisol. ¿Qué pronombres personales necesita Elena para hablar de…? / What subject pronouns does Elena need to talk

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